
ColorsMe is a mobile Social Lifestyle App (currently available for iOS / iPadOS)

What can ColorsMe do? 

With ColorsMe everyone is able to express their own emotion and to put it in a nutshell: green, red or yellow will be placed on a world map as color spots – and of course exactly where you are at this very moment

Why Colors?

Because everyone is intuitively able to associate emotions with colors.

Why green, red and yellow?

Because everyone knows the traffic light metaphor and everyone can transfer this metaphor to their own personal situation. That’s why the short description of ColorsMe as jingle is so incisive:

Express your emotions. With a click.
Green means happy. Red means Sad.

Why not words?

Colors are global, words a regional – colors take effect but words must be translated.

Do you have to sign up?

Nobody has to sign up. Everybody can use ColorsMe, as colors cannot offend or insult. One color point at one place but not against a person. Words instead could insult personal rights. Someone who offers personal status text updates as a service should better know who has written what and when in order to avoid potential lawsuits or torts.

What’s the potential?

With ColorsMe we can build a heat map of the earth´s emotional state.

Why should you install ColorsMe?

Because it’s fun to put your current emotions in a nutshell.

Are you able to share the dots you’ve made, the colors of your moment?

Using our share feature you’re able to communicate your color-point-URL on Facebook or twitter, via email or SMS.

